
Quality Sign Land of the Horseshoe bat 2016

Museum Wapiennik Association

The Musem Wapiennik Association, initiated by the Rybczyński family, organises meetings with writers, concerts, artistic events, workshops for youth etc. The organisation takes care for nature and promotion of environmentally friendly behaviour.

Important part of their activities is caring for the bats inhabiting the lime-kiln, mainly Lesser horseshoe and Greater mouse-eared bats.

Thanks to the LIFE Podkowiec+ project assistance, the Association was able to renovate the lime-kiln roof. The Association ran a project, supported by the National Fund for Environment and Water Management, to install infra-red cameras and screens, thus helping to monitor the bat colonies. Several dozen bat boxes were also installed in the surroundings of the building.

These adaptations made it possible to visitors to have a very close contact with the bats, and learn more about their life. The association runs workshops where young people may produce their own bat shaped paper or create batty prints, they can take back as the souvenirs from their visit to Wapiennik. The Association publishes information about bats on its web sites and as well as a Facebook page, organises bat events and meetings with bat researchers.

Kraina Podkowca dyplom stowarzyszenie muzeum wapiennik