Just now, Regional Directorates for Environment (RDOŚ) in Opole, Kraków and Rzeszów, started their projects for the conservation of the lesser horseshoe bat. All three projects are supported by the EU Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014-2020. Some pictures related to these projects are presented below. Some show the already started actions, other sites and bats inside the roosts planned for renovation.
The RDOŚ in Opole started their project In-situ conservation of selected habitats and species in the Opole Province Natura 2000 sites. One of the tasks in this project is the renovation of heating-room roof in Sławniowice, where a major Polish Lesser horseshoe roost resides.
The project in Kraków is in its initial phase, and as indicated by its title Protection of bats and xerothermic habitats in the Małopolskie Province covers different conservation aspects. Actions for the lesser horseshoe bats include renovation of 8 roofs and installation of 2 platforms for guano in the summer roosts. Altogether, the project will secure 1 winter and 9 summer roosts of the lesser horseshoe, Geoffroy’s and greater mouse-eared bats, correct habitats around 10 summer roosts by planting of trees and adjustment of lighting, and improve micro-habitats inside 15 summer roosts. Work in the Church in Florynka, roost of teh greater mouse-eared, lesser horseshoe and brown long-eared bats has already started.
And last but not least, the RDOŚ in Rzeszów received support for their project Conservation of endangered bat species in the Podkarpackie Province. The project assumes renovation of roofs and of the construction structure of bat summer roosts. Conservation of winter sites will reduce human access and improve microhabitats, making existing sites better and some sites available as new roosts for a range of bat species. Some temporary night or day roosts will be created in forests. The project will take place in 6 Natura 2000 areas.