Several doors simulating ancient devices has been placed in the underground rooms of the outer defence wall system. These places are ideal hibernation sites, which host up to 40 lesser horseshoes in Winter by now. Some of the rooms are made available for visitors, even though only with the guide, might lead to the energetically costly wake-ups of the bats.
Together with the Museum of Wiśnicz Land and the Borough of Nowy WIśnicz, the project defined how to make the underground available to visitors without harming the bats. During Winter, this part of teh castle is closed for tourists. Otherwise, the door separate the parts used by bats from those available to visitors. Special openings in the doors let the bats free access to the side rooms where they find suitable conditions.
The doors isolate some of the rooms and prevent the inside from too harsh microclimate.
Together with earlier adaptations, the improvements in the Nowy Wiśnicz Castle turned it into a real horseshoe fortress. Black out of parts of the attic space, diversification of thermal conditions, pots with the trees on the exit flyway to the feeding grounds, and lately shift into modern and bat friendly illumination system for the castle, were supported with the training for tourist guides and batty events organised by the project team in the castle. Some equipment for presentations on bats has been also donated to the Museum. The castle is also a unique place with the VR system presenting the site with as seen by the bat eyes.