Basic facts
- Project Title Protection of the Lesser horseshoe and other bat species in south Poland (PODKOWIEC+)
- AcronymLIFE Podkowiec+
- Duration1.07.2013-30.06.2018
- AreaSouth Poland
- LIFE contract noLIFE12 NAT/PL/000060
- NFOŚiGW contract no620/2013/Wn50/OP-WK-LF/D
LIFE PODKOWIEC+ project combined nature conservation with the protection of landscape, cultural and social heritage. It’s implementation was preceded by a dozen years of the National Lesser horseshoe bat Conservation Programme, a high priority activity of the Pro Natura, that became biggest and most comprehensive bat conservation programme in Poland and among largest Europe-wide.
Budget of the LIFE PODKOWIEC+ project was based on several funding sources:
- EU in frames of the financial mechanism LIFE+, Component I: LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity – 50% of the project budget
- Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (National Fund for the Environmental Protection and Water Management)
- Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Materiałów Drogowych w Rzeszowie Sp. z o.o. (Producer of the Road Construction Material in Rzeszów Ltd)
- own contribution of the PTPP “pro Natura”
Project was implemented in the period: 1 July 2013 – 30 June 2018.
Geographical range:
LIFE PODKOWIEC+ project was implemented in five voivodships of southern Poland:
- Dolnośląskie
- Małopolskie
- Opolskie
- Podkarpackie
- Śląskie